EC Engineers was engaged by a national repair builder to inspect a property on the Northern Gold Coast. Our services were engaged to conduct a site inspection following the tornado on Christmas night 2023 and subsequent reports of storm related tree impact damage to the property. We were requested to complete a disaster damage assessment and investigate the damage linked to the storm event. A scope of work for the repairs was also requested by our client.

A detailed site inspection of the property was undertaken by our Forensic Engineer to assess the damages to determine the extent of the event-related damage. Our inspection noted structural damages to the dwelling resulting from the impact of a fallen tree branch from the neighbouring property.
Our Forensic Engineer noted damage to the rear patio, left side elevation of lounge room area, and front right corner (main bedroom). Additionally, considerable damage attributed to mould growth was also observed throughout the dwelling.
A detailed scope of works report was prepared for our client. This scope of works report has been developed to repair the impact damaged roof trusses back to pre-event condition. The scope of works is focussed on structural repair works and does not include cosmetic repairs.
The scope of works included for example to:
- Repair and laminate broken truss tails to hip and 3 trusses over the main bedroom using 90×45 MGP12 with a provided diagram.
- Repair and laminate broken truss tails to hip and 3 trusses over the lounge room using 90×45 MGP12 with a provided diagram.
- Additionally, a detailed diagram was provided outlining the top chord and web connections.
The scope of works was developed ensuring compliance with the National Construction Code, Australian Standards, manufacturer guides, and good building practice.